Sunday, January 24, 2010

Bandit King Chadralal Joins Bandit Queen Chandrika

The Chandralal-Chandrika union was predicted by voters more than a month ago.

UK resident Bandit Queen Chandrika has come back to where she made her billions – poor third world country Sri Lanka. So has the US resident Bandit King Chadralal. He has come back to where he earned his billions. Now the grand marriage of the Bandit Queen Chandrika to the Bandit King Chandralal is scheduled to take place.

However, voters with foresight foretold the scheduled marriage months before. They now perfectly understand the modus operandi of both bandits.

In a way it is a sure give away of their common intention of plundering the country by the name of ending corruption. In 1994, Chandrika’s election slogan was to end corruption. Chandralal has borrowed it 15 years later. However, what happened was the exact opposite. People consider Chandrika to be the most corrupt leader ever. The next slogan was to sell bread at Rs 3.50. However within months the bread price went up as never before. Chandralal is using the same dreaded lies to fool the people once again.

While Chandralal sees this as an opportunity to grab hold of the country, Chandrika is after the SLFP. For Chandrika, the SLFP is the tool that enabled her to come to power, build a palace in the UK and the only way her son can be pushed into politics. Soon Vimukthi Kumaratunga will be in politics and soon the third generation will make use of the SLFP. Ironically they still complain about nepotism! Nepotism doesn’t get any worse than this.

Chandralal is no stranger to nepotism. He runs a weapons trading company by the name HICORP with his son-in-law even before they became in-laws.

Apart from deception, corruption and nepotism, the other similarity that binds them together is the character. There are strong allegations of immoral conduct against both of them.

Voters must make a note of the reasons for their alliance.

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